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2 - 5 July 2025, Gdynia
Gdynia-Kosakowo Airport

In 2023, we are starting the post-pandemic return of the Opene'er Theatre. The first step is the special project "Teatr Zdarzenie", consisting of 3 performances that you will be able to see at the festival from June 29 to July 1: "Cyber Elf" (dir. Magda Szpecht, 12:00), "Ich Heisse Frau Troffea" (dir. . Sergey Shabohin, Igor Shugaleev, 14:00), "Quantum Physics. So conversations that never took place” (dir. Julia Wyszyńska, 16:00). For several years we have been living in a state of crisis, on the verge of war, in political and economic chaos. Selected performances show different ways of dealing with oppression, releasing hope, activism and a sense of community.

The program is carried out in cooperation with Warsaw's Nowy Teatr. Performances take place without prior reservation. The order of arrival decides.

ONLY ENTRANCE FROM ZELONA STREET. The theater tent is located near the main entrance to the festival.



CYBER ELF 12:00pm - 1:10am 

Magda Szpecht 

What can theater do to help Ukraine? After the outbreak of war, theater director Magda Szpecht decided to abandon her previous occupation and became a Cyber Elf - fighting Russian trolls, fake news, and disinformation as a cyber activist. Her daily battlefield became social media platforms, news portals, and firsthand information, all to protect the first - and perhaps crucial - front line: our right for the truth.

Age restrictions: for viewers aged 15 and above. 



ICH HEISSE FRAU TROFFEA 2:00pm - 2:45pm 

Sergey Shabohin, Igor Shugaleev 

One week before the Mary Magdalene Festival in 1518, Frau Troffea left her house through the courtyard and unexpectedly began to dance feverishly. She danced, and her contagious dance swept through the city, causing an epidemic of dance that claimed many victims. Diving into the story of Frau Troffea, the performer talks about his own forced emigration from Belarus, the search for freedom, and Berlin's rave culture.

The theater play includes intense flashing lights, nudity. 

FIZYKA KWANTOWA. Czyli rozmowy nigdy nieprzeprowadzone.


QUANTUM PHYSICS. Conversations that have never been held. 4:00pm - 5:00pm 

Julia Wyszyńska 

8-year-old Julek invites the Viewer into his extraordinary world where everything is possible. A world where he fears nothing and no one, where he sees Ghosts, talks with Plants, and MTV creates his reality. Along the way, we meet Dad, a classmate, a kindergarten teacher, and others to whom Julek finally has a chance to tell what he has never had the courage to tell before. Demons of the past and systemic abuses - deadly serious topics told in a slightly less serious way.

Age restrictions: for viewers aged 16 and above.

  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it