If you feel threatened in any way by behaviour of strangers, acquaintances or close friends; you are witnesses or victims of inappropriate behavior or harassment, Shelter is here to help you. Go there alone or accompanied by our services who know where Shelter is located and will help you get there. In Shelter tent, you will receive support of our employees who provide psychological and medical help.
Shelter is staffed by qualified and certified psychotherapists and sexologists. The number of staff allows for the best possible care in any crisis situation, with no time constraints to worry about.
By offering free consultations, we ensure that everyone has the same fair chance to receive help they need. Shelter often turns out to be the place at which some of these people actually have their first contact with psychological help of any sort, thus enabling them to overcome the fear and shame of reaching for help in the long run, and possibly saving one's life at the end of the day. The feedback we receive from people who have used Shelter's help gives us a sense of a fulfilled mission, and proves that this initiative is a vital part of our festival.
The points are located to the right from Alter Stage (opposite Festival City 3) and next to the medical point at the camping field.
The aim of the project is to provide psychological support to festival participants, crisis intervention, to define an action plan and a plan to help participants and to cooperate with the festival's services to help and minimize risks to people participating in a mass event.
Main point (2 offices):
- 1st office: 6:00pm - 4:00am
- 2nd office: 8:00pm - 4:00am
Campsite point:
- 10:00am - 4:00pm
- 9:00pm - 4:00am