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3 - 6 July 2024, Gdynia
Gdynia-Kosakowo Airport

The Chemical Brothers at Open'er 2022!

On July 2, 2022, exactly 20 years after their performance at the very first Open'er in history, The Chemical Brothers will play a spectacular show, finishing next year's edition at Orange Main Stage.

Three decades on stage! While many artists would have suffered from burnout after so many years, Ed Simmons and Tom Rowlands confirm their greatness with each new album. "Born In The Echoes" (2015) was their 6th record in a row, which reached the top of the best-selling albums in the UK. Their 2019 release "No Geography" was undoubtedly one of the most important albums in electronic music, which was confirmed by Grammy Awards in Best Dance/Electronic Album category and Best Dance Recording category for the song "Got to Keep On". This year they shared the new single - "The Darkness That You Fear". See you in Gdynia!

  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it