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2 - 5 July 2025, Gdynia
Gdynia-Kosakowo Airfield


Saturday 05/07/2025 ALTER STAGE

Molchat Doma, founded in 2017 in Minsk, Belarus, stands at the intersection of post-punk, new-wave and synth-pop. Dark yet danceable, and with a heavy dose of goth ethos, their music is reminiscent of the masters that predate them, but make no mistake: Molchat Doma creates a sound and meaning that is immediately recognizable as all their own. Their fourth album, 'Belaya Polosa', is a testament to change in difficult times, a love letter to the digital pulse of the ‘90s, and a technicolor reinvention of the band’s somber dancefloor anthems. Molchat at Open'er - July 5, Alter Stage

  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it