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3 - 6 July 2024, Gdynia
Gdynia-Kosakowo Airport


Friday 06/07/2018 ORANGE MAIN STAGE

Learn how to pronounce this name properly, because in few months it will be a shame to say it in the wrong way, and even bigger not to know it at all. Referring to the title of her brand new single, we’re still before the storm, but we can hear the thunders from afar. Kali Uchis is 23, she’s from Colombia, but she grew up in the USA. She’s got a classic music education, but she chose less classical, nevertheless excellent producers for her EP. Among them there are: Kaytranada, Diplo and Tyler, The Creator. “Por Vida” drew the interest of the music circle, and Kali herself felt really great in the new surroundings. Working on her solo album she did not escape from the collaborations with other artists. Recording a single “Get Out” with Daniel Ceasar turned out to be the most significant collaboration yet, as it was nominated for Grammy. She also can’t be ashamed of her collaborations with Major Lazer and Gorillaz. Three singles, including the brand new “After the Storm” we’re well welcomed. We can only wait for the album premiere. Oh, and her concert at Open’er.

  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it