NGO 2024

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2 - 5 July 2025, Gdynia
Gdynia-Kosakowo Airport

NGO at Open’er 2024 – an absolutely record year in terms of number of applications. We are especially happy, that this year’s theme – Girl Power, has gathered such big attention, while keeping a very high level of the applications. The NGO Zone has its size and limits, but in this situation we have added 10 more places, comparing to the original plan. Thank You for all your applications. Here are 34 NGOs, you’ll meet in Gdynia.

Organizations qualified for the NGO Zone:


NGO at Open’er 2024 – an absolutely record year in terms of number of applications. We are especially happy, that this year’s theme – Girl Power, has gathered such big attention, while keeping a very high level of the applications. The NGO Zone has its size and limits, but in this situation we have added 10 more places, comparing to the original plan. Thank You for all your applications. Here are 34 NGOs, you’ll meet in Gdynia.

Organizations qualified for the NGO Zone:

  • The Center for Youth Cooperation and Mobility is an independent NGO focused on empowering young leaders and fostering democracy. We work across two main areas: promoting civic engagement and encouraging international cooperation. Our activities range from national and international trainings to organizing volunteer trips abroad and hosting long-term foreign volunteers. We also offer internships, study visits, youth exchanges and opportunities to attend conferences and seminars abroad.

  • ELSA Gdańsk is a local branch of the ELSA Poland Association, with its own legal identity. We currently unite over 80 people, organizing both local and nationwide projects that positively impact legal awareness within society. Our mission includes fostering a just world in which human dignity and cultural diversity are respected. Among our initiatives, we promote events like Women's Rights Month. As part of it, we organize various events: lectures on domestic violence, gender discrimination at work, and debates on implementing menstrual leave in Poland.

  • "Revolution" is a multidisciplinary political art project that consists of short films and exhibitions on human rights topics. The project's mission is to use art as a tool that influences people's minds and speaks about important socio-political issues in simple visual language. The project was created by director Dasha Brian. The project's first film was shot in Belarus in 2020. After filming producer was detained and the team had to leave the country due to threats of political repression and put the project on pause until 2021. "Revolution" aims to speak about human rights, refugee rights, women's rights and LGBTQ+ rights through short films, exhibitions and workshops, mainly collaborating with repressed and oppressed artists.

  • The Gdynia Bridge of Hope Foundation provides psychological support to cancer patients and their relatives. Our Foundation is the originator and the main organizer of the Social Campaign "Courageous WIN - the prevention of testicular cancer", which has been known in Poland since 2009.

  • The Avalon Foundation is one of the biggest organizations in Poland supporting people with disabilities. We conduct assistance projects including Project Sekson, which aims to dispel stereotypes and myths related to sexuality and parenting of people with disabilities. We conduct research, educate and counter exclusion. We organize a nationwide Sekson Conference bringing together people with disabilities, self-advocates and specialists in sexology, gynecology, urology and psychology. We are creating an Accessibility Map to search for adapted medical facilities and specialists with experience working with patients with disabilities.

  • Bezpestkowe (pl. “seedless”) is a project founded in 2018 that aims not only to actively support people with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome, but also to raise awareness and educate the public. The name refers to the seed of fruit and compares it to the uterus - stone fruit differs from seedless fruit only by having a seed, which after all does not define anything. Since 2022 Bezpestkowe has been functioning as a Foundation.

  • The mission of DKMS Foundation is to find a Donor for every blood cancer Patient in need of stem cells transplantation. DKMS Poland is a member of the DKMS family, one of the world’s largest Bone Marrow Donor Centre. We have been present in Poland since 2008 as an independent public utility organization and the Bone Marrow Donor Centre based on the decision issued by the Minister of Health. At present, we have more than 1.9 million potential blood stem cell Donors registered in our base, out of which more than 13 000 already donated their cells to Patients who needed them both in Poland and all over the world, thus providing them with a chance for life.

  • The GrowSPACE Foundation focuses on mental health care in the workplace and learning, and LGBTQ+ rights in schools. We are involved in educational projects related to LGBTQ+ people and mental health. Our projects include the Ranking of LGBTQ+ Friendly Schools, Rainbow Friday and Youth Safety Networks – trainings and workshops organized together with the European Commission Representation in Poland. We also carry out watchdog activities based on requests for public information, such as on suicide crises of children and adolescents. The Foundation has volunteers of school and college age. About 75% of the Foundation's members are young women.

  • We are inspired by the social activity of the deafblind activist Helen Keller. We have been active 2008 as part of the Deaf Aid Society, and later our Foundation. We prove that deafblind people can be active, independent, that alternative communication is possible through hands, touch, sign language, the Lorm or Braille alphabet.

  • For 10 years, the Institute of Positive Education Foundation has been creating a space and a team of people who put all their energy and commitment into implementing changes at every stage of the educational and upbringing system operating in Poland. The Foundation's activities are aimed at changing thinking about the mental health of children, adolescents and adults. Currently, the Institute supports over 4,000 people. Educational and upbringing facilities. The Institute carries out its activities wherever you can meet motivated, open and innovative teachers, educators and specialists, as well as children and their parents who are curious about the world and willing to develop.

  • Fundacja Mam Marzenie powstała w Krakowie 14 czerwca 2003 jako niezależna i samodzielna organizacja, skupiająca wyłącznie wolontariuszy. Dzięki wsparciu wielu osób, 14 czerwca w Urzędzie Miasta w Krakowie odbyła się uroczystość podpisania aktu notarialnego powołania do życia Fundacji i jej organów. Misją Fundacji Mam Marzenie jest spełnianie marzeń dzieci w wieku 3-18 lat, cierpiących na choroby zagrażające ich życiu. Przez swoją działalność chcemy dostarczyć chorym dzieciom i ich rodzinom niezapomnianych wrażeń, które pozwolą choć na chwilę zapomnieć o cierpieniu, wniosą w ich życie radość, siłę do walki z chorobą i nadzieję na przyszłość. Fundacja rozpoczęła działalność w lutym 2004 r. w Krakowie, Warszawie i w Poznaniu. Od 2007 roku działa już na terenie całej Polski i obecnie posiada 16 oddziałów: Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Katowice, Kielce, Kraków, Lublin, Łódź, Olsztyn, Opole, Poznań, Rzeszów, Szczecin, Trójmiasto, Warszawa i Wrocław. Podczas zakładania Fundacji Mam Marzenie nasi przyjaciele z USA orzekli, że jeżeli uda nam się spełnić 8 dziecięcych marzeń w trakcie roku, to było warto przenieść ideę spełniania marzeń do Polski. Po roku mogliśmy się pochwalić spełnieniem 40 marzeń i utworzeniem 6 oddziałów Fundacji, a od początku naszej działalności aż do dziś spełniliśmy w sumie ponad 10 000 marzeń chorych dzieci. Wolontariat naszą siłą! Fundacja Mam Marzenie przyjęła od początku swojej działalności zasadę, że spełnianie marzeń oparte będzie wyłącznie na pracy wolontariuszy. Ich działania mają charakter bezinteresownej pomocy chorym dzieciom w realizacji najskrytszych marzeń. Jedynie wydatki poniesione przez wolontariuszy w związku z ich pracą charytatywną (koszty dojazdu na spotkania z dziećmi, telefonów, założonych z własnej kieszeni funduszy na realizację marzenia) zostają zwracane tym, którzy się o to zwrócą do koordynatora oddziału. Transparentna księgowość Dzięki bankowości internetowej podgląd na listę wszystkich kont należących do Fundacji (konto bieżące, oszczędnościowe, w euro i konto zbiórek publicznych) mają koordynatorzy oddziałów, a za ich pośrednictwem wszelkie osoby zainteresowane. Wychodząc z założenia, że władze Fundacji są tylko depozytariuszami środków otrzymanych od darczyńców, zachęcamy do korzystania z tej możliwości uzyskania informacji o finansach Fundacji.

  • FEDERA is a non-governmental organization fighting for reproductive justice. We conduct advocacy activities on the Polish and international arena. We educate and promote knowledge in the field of sexuality, health and law. We conduct interventions and monitor the availability of benefits guaranteed by law. We are always stand on women’s side.

  • The Foundation's vision is to build a society where every woman has the full right to express herself and fulfill her potential.

  • NCF's mission is to reduce polarization and rebuild a civic community in Poland. We develop formats for conversation between citizens that lower mutual resentment and increase community. Our projects are small laboratories for social change. In them, we develop, test and scale tools to reduce divisions – in Poland and abroad. Our flagship project is the Polish Dialogue. It is a nationwide platform through which citizens can sign up for community dialogues on a contentious topic or for trainings in good conversation.

  • Reporters Foundation was established in 2010 by a group of leading Polish reporters. For many years its main mission was to train and support journalists from Central and Eastern Europe through workshops, conferences and „Reporters for reporters” awards. Although supporting journalism and journalists’ education is still an important part of Foundation’s philosophy, since 2017 its core activities have been dedicated to investigative journalism, including building platforms for investigative journalism – and

  • Elephants on the Balcony (Słonie na Balkonie) Foundation supports children in mental health crisis. Traumatised kids need comprehensive therapy and constant support, not isolation or social stigmatization! We are focused on solving issues regarding access to professional help for children struggling with depression, self-harm. We support over 500 children yearly. Find us on Facebook & Instagram and stand with us. It’s the elephant power!

  • Our Foundation was created based on dramatic experience of the founder – Grzesiek who, almost 22 years ago went through a life – saving liver transplant operation at the very last moment. We support the patients both before and after organ transplantations. We take some ambitious actions to promote organs donation ideas.

  • The goal of the charity is to EDUCATE girls and young women about taking care of BREAST HEALTH from an early age, by developing healthy habits for life. The charity focuses on providing free knowledge in the field of bust-positivism and body-positivism, bra fitting and breast cancer prevention. We carry out our mission on a daily basis by organizing BUST-possitive educational meetings at schools all over Poland. Our classes are based on: • promoting healthy habits connected to looking after breast health • promoting BUST-possitivity and healthy body perception, • encouraging to perform regular breast self-check as the most effective method of early detection of breast cancer, • explaining what brafitting is and how it affects health and self-confidence. The funds received go towards our educational programs that help spread awareness and educate young women on all topics related to breast health.

  • For a Change Found works for LGBT+ people in Poland. We believe that change is possible thanks to work in small towns and villages, where 70% of Poles live. Fund provides money, knowledge and support to organizations, informal groups and individuals who work for LGBT+ people.

  • Since 2018, the Feminist Fund has been continuously supporting activities conducted by women, girls and non-binary, trans, queer, and intersex persons from all over Poland. We contribute financially to initiatives that change the world so that each of us can decide for themself, be free and safe! So far, over 260 groups and organizations have benefited from our support, to which we have transferred a total amount of nearly PLN 4 milion. We proudly and happily support the activism of teenagers and women 60+, women living in rural areas, women experiencing violence, women with disabilities, refugees, queer people, as well as pro-choice activities and social justice initiatives.

  • Group Sex Educators Ponton is an informal group of volunteers and volunteers, working with the Foundation for Women and Family Planning. Pontoon is a youth advisers and counselors dealing with sexual education and counseling for teens and teen issues of puberty, contraception, health and sexuality.

  • Our Foundation is run by young people, full of passion for life, sport and music. We run social media @fundacjaimstrong to promote primarily the topic of transplantology among young and middle-aged people. Our project: Transplant People and Friends was a success in the community. We conquer the Crown of Polish Mountains, visit interesting places and organize sports events. We are just starting a documentary series project in which we will show the everyday life of people after transplantation. We support sick people and people after serious surgeries. Through our media interviews, we give people strength and show that it is worth fighting and believing until the end.

  • The aim of the Institute for Prevention of Exclusions Foundation is social and educational activity in the field of counteracting social exclusion of marginalized and discriminated people in society. The flagship mission of the Foundation is to react against exclusion and support the excluded and discriminated people, as well as help them, so that they can function in harmony with each other and in their environment and surroundings. In addition, the Foundation aims to create safe spaces for discriminated, excluded and marginalized people, and to increase the tolerance of society and local communities to what is often perceived as different and strange. Finally, the Foundation’s goal is to create an inclusive society in which everyone can feel safe and at home.

  • Viva! Poland is one of the largest animal rights group in Poland with major campaigns against fur, animals in captivity, carriage horses, factory farming nad vivisection. Viva! Poland also runs an animal sanctuary near Warsaw taking care of and providing safety to hundreds of animals.

  • Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is a non-governmental organisation, whose mission is to aid those facing the impacts of armed conflict, the climate crisis, and natural disasters all over the world. For the past 31 years we helped 16,5 mln people in 52 countries. We provide access to water, hygiene and sanitation, food, shelter, psychological assistance, and education. We are dedicated to creating vital infrastructure, introducing innovative solutions, and developing aid programs aligned with actual human needs. We act quickly and effectively. Our organization provides assistance with empathy, while maintaining professionalism, sustainability, and transparency.

  • PSONI apart from dealing and organizing its branches, creates plans, rehabilitation focused projects, therapies and education. We actively help to prepare to work and employment, support independent living, help to fulfill cultural and sporting interests, as well as spending free time. PSONI supports independence of Persons with Intelectuall Disability and helps their families with therapeutic and legal advice.

  • Stowarzyszenie Puckie Hospicjum pw. św. Ojca Pio rozpoczęło swoją działalność w 2004 roku z inicjatywy ks. Jana Kaczkowskiego, który przy wsparciu tysięcy darczyńców stworzył wyjątkowy dom. Działalność placówki ogniskuje się wokół trzech obszarów: pracy na rzecz chorych i umierających w hospicjum stacjonarnym i domowym oraz Poradni Medycyny Paliatywnej, pomocy dla ich rodzin i opiekunów poprzez grupy wsparcia i portal oraz ogólnopolskich działań społecznych, takich jak Areopag Etyczny czy kampanie Ostatnie Chwile Szczęścia, Nieśmiertelne słowa i gesty.

  • The Faros Association has been involved in HIV prevention in the Podlaskie province for 20 years. We run a testing point and also carry out non-medical testing i.e. in urban spaces, e.g. at music festivals, local events and at the invitation of groups willing to test their employees or members. We conduct trainings and prevention classes on HIV and other STIs for high school students, students of various faculties, inmates of penitentiary institutions, professional groups such as police, firefighters and employees of sanitary-epidemiological stations.

  • Stowarzyszenie Otwarte Klatki jest powstałą w 2012 roku ogólnopolską organizacją zrzeszającą osoby, które chcą zmienić los zwierząt hodowlanych. Wierzymy, że zmiana sytuacji zwierząt jest możliwa. Zabiegamy o lepszą ochronę zwierząt zamykanych na fermach, a także o prawo konsumentów do pełnej wiedzy na temat warunków ich życia. Wspieramy międzynarodowe inicjatywy i jesteśmy częścią globalnych koalicji na rzecz praw zwierząt. Od 2018 roku jesteśmy częścią Anima International – działamy w Polsce, Wielkiej Brytanii, Danii, Francji, Ukrainie i Norwegii. Naszym celem jest zapobieganie cierpieniu zwierząt poprzez wprowadzanie systemowych zmian społecznych, dokumentowanie warunków chowu przemysłowego oraz edukację promującą pozytywne postawy wobec zwierząt. Nasz Instagram obserwuje ponad 80.000 osób, Facebook - ponad 300.000, Youtube – ponad 20.000.

  • UNICEF works in the world’s toughest places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents – and to protect the rights of every child, everywhere. Across more than 190 countries and territories, we do whatever it takes to help children survive, thrive and fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. The world’s largest provider of vaccines, we support child health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality education and skill building, HIV prevention and treatment for mothers and babies, and the protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation.

  • The IUSTITIA Association of Polish Judges is the largest association of judges in Poland. The association's statutory goals include representing the professional and social interests of judges, caring for their authority and due standing. It stands in solidarity with judges fighting for the rule of law around the world. During the years of the crisis of the rule of law in Poland, together with citizens, the judges defended the independence of the Polish judiciary, and today they focus on restoring the rule of law and state and civic education of Poles and Polish women of all ages.

  • SOS Children's Villages Poland is an international non-governmental organization that has been operating in the world for 75 years, in Poland for 40 years. We operate in 137 countries around the world. We help children in need and families in crisis. We believe that every child should grow up in a safe environment, surrounded by adults’ care and understanding. Unfortunately, there are many abandoned, orphaned and abused children – we provide them caring childhood in foster care. We also support families in crisis, threatened with disintegration. For 40 years in Poland, we have already helped 4567 children and supported 594 of them in becoming independent from foster care. Find out more at

  • Kashubian-Pomeranian Association unites people from Pomerania and its enthusiasts. Association promotes and develops the culture of Kashubia and Pomerania and also Kashubian language – the only regional language in Poland. It is collaborating with Pomorania. Members of Pomorania are students who study at Tricity universities and are focused on kashubian-pomeranian issues.

  • The Chorągiew Gdańska ZHP is one of the units of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association operating in the Pomeranian currently gathering over six and a half thousand members aged 6 to 100 years old.. Our organization focuses on the education of youth through values such as respect, courage, friendship, and community service. It is based on a.o. employing scouting methodical tools tailored to 4 age groups - a set of tools used by scout leaders to conduct educational, developmental, and recreational activities among scouts. To comprehensively support activities several teams composed of specialists.

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  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it
  • Wait for it